The spring is not too strong because it has been stretched out from experimenting with different mounting points. I have new springs that I will try to install later. If I can get the new springs to fit, (I have to make a tool to install them) you can have my stretched out springs because I believe they should work with your hood.
Great upgrade. Getting rid of or at least not having to use it will probably take a while to really set-in or "get use to". Will some details on how it was accomplished be forthcoming?
Very cool. You have a video of it opening and closing? I assume its not as smooth as a strut. Would a good wind blow it closed?
dude you have been reading my mind I have been thinking this same thing since the first pic by the way it was great meeting you last weekend but I forgot your name is it levi?
Yes, it was nice meeting some of you guys. Needs to happen more often, excited to get done with my car so I can bring it to shows and blow your doors off -Levi