Looking forward to the tech article. These are nice Nick. I'm not sure if it will help you or not, Bob Drake Ford Parts sells the 1940 hood hinge springs for $4.80 ea and a stainless version for $12.00 ea.
I must say I've never seen a man get so excited about not being able to use his rod any more. I liked how the hood stays nice and level when raised. A job well done for sure, looks factory.
I would be interested in a bare metal set for $100 shipped to rancho cordova ca 95670 would that be motivation enough to build me a set? Im not crafty nor do I want to spend the time to try. Im crafty at making money not car parts
Cool, I hope it works for you Dave. The springs have to be stretched from 5 1/4" to 8" to get them on and it is a PITA. I put the hinges on the car first then installed the springs followed by the hood. That is why I was going to experimernt with the 1955 and 1956 Chevy springs.
I am building one more set and it is going to be for myself. It is a simple design but is very labor intensive to do it right so I am not interested in marketing it. $100 would not come close to paying for the labor and materials even if I was sent the hinges and springs.
Have you tried the chevy springs yet, Nick? Where would you get them from? I saw some on ebay but for an experiment they are a bit pricey. I did order a pair of the ones you have(40 ford) but not a word yet from the seller...."Bob Drake"...am wondering if they are even in business, so far, crappy people to deal with.
Dave, I have a friend with a '55 Chevy and he is going to loan me his springs when I make the other set of hinges so I can see how they work. I have another set of '40 Ford springs that I am propably going to use but I am just curious how the '55 Chevy springs feel. I am not sure when I am going to get a chance to make the other set of hinges but I will let you know when I do. The '40 Ford springs work great they are just stetched out a couple inches more that they were from the factory which should be no problem, it is just a bitch getting them on the hinge.
Be careful...it can bite back. About half way down...post #xxxx404 http://www.chevytalk.org/fusionbb/showtopic.php?tid/259054/
WOW. I got to take a look at these yesterday at a car show. Great job Nick. You can rise and lower the hood to any height you want. Plus they looked Great, like they should have been on the car to start with. I'll be by for my set as soon as you call. Thanks in advance, Nick. J/K
Hood Hinge Springs Nick, any way I could get the dimension and placement location for the hood hinge spring mount brackets? I want it to be done right and what I have heard, you have done it right. Let me know what I need to do to get them from you if you would be willing to help me out. Thanks