We will be driving down I75 on our way to the rod run, not to far from you. we will be going down early in the week thou. Townsend is a nice place to stay its only 15 miles from Pigeon Forge. that,s where we are staying. not sure weather we are camping or getting a hotel, it depends on how many from my family come down with us. i called about some prices on hotels, they run around $65.00 weekdays and $85.00 weekend. I cant wait it looks like we might have a good turnout.
Fall Rod Run I just booked my Weekend (fri.) & (sat)nights at the Townsend Gateway Inn .The rooms have -fridge--microwave--and coffee maker. $79.00 a night . They have 5 available. They also have 3 cottages available for $99.00 a night.their # is 865-238-0123.
I wonder if I brought my calendar with me to the Rod Run if I could get some of the pictures autographed. only one way to find out I guess.
Made reservations today in Townsend TN at the Talley Ho Inn. She said they still have plenty of rooms available, rates where decent $65 weekdays $89 weekend. we are staying Wednesday thru Saturday. can't wait to see everyone. Now i just need to get the motor back together, had to put a new cam in it. hopefully it will be running tonight
Wish I could go again, but I went in April to the spring run..... Just can't do it again this soon.....
Fall rod run. Do we have any guess yet of how many MAV' & COMETS will be at the ROD RUN IN PIGEON FORGE. Thanks Wayne Poe
I know there is 4 that already have reservations (cabins, hotels) 2-3 that are local and a couple others that say there going to it :16suspect. I have been working 10 hours a day 7 days a week so i have not had time to plan but i will get things rolling this week. I'm going to be there from Wednesday-Sunday, and im planning the actual Minni Meet on Friday or Saturday. We need a rallying point, I'm staying in Towensand Tn About 15 miles west PF. Anyone closer have a place we can meet up?
I will get there late Thursday, around 11pm. Im staying until noonish on Sunday. Any popular landmark with a big parking lot should work for a meeting place. I havent been there enough to know of anything specific. We usually spend our time in Pigeon Forge. Only drove up to Gatlinburg once and that was for the Aquarium.
One good place to meet in Pigeon Forge is the factory outlet mall. Easy to get to from wears valley rd.Mels diner is located at 119 wears valley rd. turn right at the diner onto Florence dr.go approx.3/4 mile the factory outlet mall is on the left at the top of a hill.plenty of room for a mini meet. ( this is only a suggestion )