I've read the archives and it appears there are a hundred ways to improve the dash lighting. I was thinking about replacing the three 194 bulbs that illuminate the gages with these. I figured the warning lights are fine with 194s. The description indicates that they are plug and play. I assume they have resistors in them. Thoughts? http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-LED-T...Parts_Accessories&hash=item46112f5a65&vxp=mtr
i put those in...my lights still suck so bad i cant even read my fuel guage at night..have to put my phone near it to see..i've painted the insides and changed lights 3 times (different types) and tried a different cluster..all this really made no difference for me.
I did about the same as ESampson and had the same results. I ended up using LED's and putting on the Whiteface under lay and now I can see the fuel gauge at night.
I used the stock 194 bulbs ( new ones ), painted the cluster interior with Krylon Fusion for plastic ( gloss white ), and this was the result! I actually like the amber better than the blue. Notice the shift indicator. I haven't given it or the heat - ac panel the " treatment " yet.
Mine isn't even close to that..I'd e totally happy and satisfied with that. Guess he can give it a shot and see if it works for him..
I was wanting to upgrade my dash lights for the same reasons as people stated above. I can't see my fuel gauge at night either. I have used LED's in other applications on later model cars and they worked well. That being said, I haven't had my cluster out the car yet. I'm not sure exactly what you are painting gloss white to get the look you have, which looks very good and easy to read. Could you help me out? Thanks!!
The green plastic housing containing the gage assembly. Also, u can get different color gage face decals that adhere directly to the orig faces to brighten things a bit/lot more. www.whitefacegauges.com I did mine in white face. Check last 2 pix on page 4 in my gallery to see what needs painting and finished gage cluster.
That link, doesn't work. Try this: http://www.whitegauges.net/products/1971%2d1973-Ford-Maverick-White-Face-Gauges.html
I don't know about the ones on eBay. I bought some at Advance Auto by Sylvania I think. They were pretty expensive but they made a very noticeable difference.
My Bad! Thks for the correction. Just posted that link frm memory - thought if was'nt correct a web search work..
I still like the idea of LED's. I think I bought some from a place called Super Bright LED's for my 2011 Mustang GT and they worked VERY well in the map lights. Thanks for the info!