here's from a Peel N Seal user... no smell, reduces noise, heat, cold transfer... I have a pic. of Effie wrapped in a blanket. it was 90+ outside temp, the A/C was on low. before you couldn't keep your hand on the trans tunnel. it's one of those things..."don't knock it till you try it"... ......but will be back if need be...
I can knock it for simple fact ive been around people that tried and and Results dont lie also..if you put anything on floorboads it'll muffle sound, throw a towel down, it'll muffel some down or perhaps block some heat, but its not the intended purpose of a towel.. People seem to buy products for the wrong reasons or use it for the wrong reason Why would you buy a product that doesnt do well as anouther if you know about it? or why would you use a products not for its intended feature but instead use it for a side-effect attribute.. heres what CLD tiles..dynamat and its cheap substitute Peel N seel is intended purpose of use.. This is a vid of a waterbased version of CLD(like lizard skin sound formulation) Primary purpose stop vibaration and dampen or eliminate frequency resonance through metal...uninteneded properties would be slight decrease in heat and roadnoise
so you haven't tried it...I'm one that tried it and results were... what is this other stuff you are selling...
Intended by who?? If something does what I intended it to do, then mission accomplished. As previously stated, there certainly are better products. I got what I needed from the P & S. Others have too.
A screwdriver was designed to turn screws and not designed to pry open a can of paint or scrapping greasy car parts or gaskets or jump electricity on a starter solenoid or installing brake shoe return springs...Therefor you should never use a screwdriver for anything else except turning screws. Peel and Seal will have the same effect as Spectrum Sludge on a metal heat shield when you drop in on the floor.
it definitely wont have the same will have a poor attempt of that effect yes.. I posted an actual test result of peel n seel and also also a link to the thread where a forum user has been testing any sample of competitor cld matting anyone will send him..which is awsome for people that want to know how all these products compare to each other and view weight abd price differences.. if you want to compare a home depot/LOWES product..try frost willing to bet itll work better then peel n seel in respect to heat control and airborne noise..but peel n seel will most likely be better at damping vibration of metal as frost king is foam based with layer of al.. im not trying to get on anyone just trying to inform the right way v s cheaping out for a less then optimum way..
being you have never used it and are passing on info. from others that have... now you have both works great...:Handshake
nope...but he could have put a layer on the outside to insulate against the ugly... reviews look good...
Sounds good.. Having to use 3M adhesive might be a slight challenge. I also wonder if when it is bent to conform to a shape if it will resist and try and go back to it's flat state and pull away from it's position. The 3M should hold but I have seen where it has let go on other applications. My personal thoughts is this would maybe make a great second layer instead of doing two of the P&S..
What do you think? I saw two underlayment products at Home Depot I'm considering for my Grabber restoration. The first is called Ultraseal Floor Muffler #026049. It's 2mm thick XL-polypropylene. It's moisture and mold resistant and they claim is a great acoustic barrier. Since it is polypropylene means it will also have low thermal conductivity properties. The price is only $65 for 100 sq ft. The other product is called Trafficmaster 3 in 1 underlayment #100779554. It's 93 mils thick and has a reflective layer for enhanced thermal and moisture resistance. Can't beat the prices and will have enough for at least one other car. My thought is to use Peel and Seal for the firewall and other vertical surfaces and the other two products, one on top of the other for the floor and trunk areas. Any opinions out there?