Tried to start car and all it does is buzzes. I took starter off and had it tested and its good. Bought new solenoid. Battery showing charged. What's next? Any ideas? Thanks in advance
My battery tender showed full charge. The new solenoid was made a little different than old/original one, I just put wires on same side as they were. I hope its hooked up right.
Pull the battery and take it to somewhere like Autozone and have them do a load test on it. Showing full charge while it's just sitting means nothing if a cell or two is shorted.
look at the ground wire running from the battery to the engine block. both sides need to be tight, and corrosion free. the wire should be in good shape. If the ground is weak, then the symptoms you describe are possible.
I cleaned and checked all wires initially. I'm gonna go get battery tested this evening. Thanks for info guys!
Make sure the wires to the fire wall are pushed in tight to the fuse block. these wires tend to be pulled out little by little. Right by the master cylinder.