Took the 74 Grabber I recently acquired from a forum member to get the Ohio out of state car inspection performed. Stopped by a convenience store where the car drew many stares and a couple of I then traveled another mile to a local Ford dealer where it pulled all of the salesman off the outside benches like beaning a batter and emptying the dugout. Now mind you, I also have a sano 2006 Mustang GT with 9,000 original miles that has never even seen the rain. It would not have elicited more than a quick glance from anyone. I can only imagine the attention it will draw after being completely restored (its already in amazing shape for its age).
Seems to be happening to me as well. Parked at a gas station the other day to grab a drink and I came out to a blond in her mid 50s snapping pictures. Said she had one in high school. I let her snap a few more and I proceeded to get in when the lady parked next to me rolled down her window and informed me that my car was a real "vagnet". Thats one I havent heard before.
I believe so much interest is generated in the Maverick because it is rare to see one out in the wild anymore - I go to 30+ car shows a year and might come across a half dozen or so
I make new friends every place I go in my red restored 72 Comet GT. Truck drivers honk on the freeway and give me thumbs up. People are always taking pictures of it, even with cell phone cameras at a red light. Young guys have no clue what it is, thinking it's brand new and where they can go to buy one. It gets far more attention than my brothers $80k 2012 Z-06 Corvette. Can't wait until my Maverick Grabber restoration is complete. BOB in Acworth GA
I see people staring too, at me in my car..... I don't know what they're thinking.... loser in old car...I remember those..;what is it????? Sometimes teenagers give me big thumbs up I pulled up at a welders shop, shared bya ferrari repair shop... I was feeling shy... well the foreign mechanics all came out and took turns sitting behind the wow.
I've had people asking if they can have their picture taken with my car... I get a lot of stories of people having one in their family back in the day...Dad. Mom, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle, high school sweetheart, etc. etc. ...and a lot remembering a high school kid having one with a...Boss 302/4 speed car...
Thanks Craig. Its been a while since we we talked. Like some others on the board, I had a family crisis that took me out of the picture for a couple of years. Glad to be getting healthy again and reconnecting with the community.
I can relate. On the way home from Illinois, I stopped at a Pilot truck stop in western Ohio at about 3:00A for gas and a coke. I came out and there are two truckers walking around the car checking it 3:00A!!!!
I had lots of staring going on yesterday on my way to get the frontend alignment, it was time for high school to start and they were checking it out at the store where I stopped for a cold drink, had a Sheriff's Deputy follow me about four miles, and then the guy doing the alignment loved the car, he had done my Blue Grabber also and remembered it, people always not watching where they are going while driving, staring at the Maverick!
Its really exaggerated around here. Very few in these parts. Unfortunately my car seems to attract more young girls than anything. Must be the color. The girls at mc donalds drive thru flock to the window when I pull up. Guess I should have had this car when I was 20. LOL.
Funny you said this. Last week while sitting at a traffic light...a pickup truck pulled beside me and a little 5 or 6 year old girl yelled out the window that she liked my car. I think it must be the color also.
The older generation appreciates them! So you get a lot of respect. Most of the younger generation says "NICE MUSTANG DOOoooOD" and it makes me want to slap them upside the head...