Yep, mine were easy, nothing but bolt on bleed and go, they were from a '99 Crown Vic. new lines for the rear, just had to remember to take passenger caliper loose and flip it while bleeding, it mounts upside down.
please fill the void of knowledge I went out today to look into the disc swap and found two donors one easier then the other. Now this is were the void comes in I got one coming apart and it is getting late I notice it looks like the backing plate is also the bearing retaining plate on the maverick? so that you have to change bearings on the axle to be able to mount the plate? please tell me I am wrong. if I am it is another trip back to the bone yard tomorrow. I ask because the bearing change now will push the price of the project just out of reach for now. I will be watching this thread tonight to see any advice THANKS
my car is a 77 I bought 1 of the $50 70-73 drums from Oreillys hoping to fit but the center hole for the axle is to small but I can get that bored out for free too what ever I want. this thread was meant to look for other options to repair and maybe improve my braking system. this post is just to make clear what I am after and nothing more Thanks for all advice past present and I am sure future
the Crown Vic. bracket does the same... the bearing acts as a...centering for the disc bracket and the mav backing plate....
now i have done it I went back to the pull and save and think I got all the parts I need off a 95 mercury grand mar. (how ever you spell it) I even managed to find the plugs for the ones that did not have abs brakes. even managed to grab the e brake connectors