Go for a ride tonight, can't do it, headlights go off and back on radomly, I can't make them come back on or go off, they just do it, I checked the drivers side connection at the back of the light but again nothing, any ideas?
headlights Look at the Dimmer Switch. both high and low beam circuits run through there and because of moisture & corrosion a broken contact become an issue.
That's kinda what it acts like but it's not anywhere near a regular thing as far as timing goes, I have a new switch waiting on me at Advance anyhow.
Agreed, unplug one head light and see if it still goes out, if it's the CB one should stay on because only half the current is being used... I've used this trick years ago to get home one night when the lights started going off & on in a Falcon I had...
You can unplug wire connector to switch run a hot wire to it to check it from there , or go to dimmer switch take wire connector and hot wire from there, make a hot wire from a old cigarette lighter plugin touch hot wire to terminals in connector one at a time
I guess it was the switch/circuit breaker, replaced the switch and ran it for half an hour and no problems! to all.
oh what fun it is to learn the easy way why your headlights keep shutting off lol been there done that on an old ford truck. went through a couple of switches and a couple of dimmer switches before I figured out it was just dirty and the floor was corroded glad you got it fixed
Mine did that when the voltage regulator was over-charging the system. Limped to my destination by pulling off the road, shutting the engine off, and turning on the high beams and all the power accessories that I could for about 15 minutes a session..... drained the battery down each time. I got the voltage regulator fixed ( my buddy actually made the original Ford piece adjustable), but this was a long drive and it must have cooked the headlight switch. It had further issues with the breaker and I had to replace it too. I would get the charging system checked, just to make sure that it isn't over-charging.
Good idea Jeff, with all the electrical items I have going, I need to know either way if it's overcharging or charging enough.
To check the charging system all that's really necessary is check voltage at 2K RPMs with & without load.... In other words take a reading with everything off and then with headlights, heater blower, windshield wipers on... Should be in range of 13.7 to 14.5 v for either test... Higher means over charge, lower under charging... I will say here, if a over charge condition caused the lights to cut off & on, the breaker in the switch was surly marginal...