Hey Dave... Why is there no Maverick on this banner. More competition 2-time winner Mark Steilow another 800+ hp but with all wheel drive If this one beats my Im not sure what Im gonna do. OUCH
Chris, Thanks for the pictures... Good luck,and remember the invitation alone make you and your car a Winner...
Nice pics Chris, thanks! I told a guy to be looking out for you and Dave both, I believe Dave already knows him, Marcel from CRO, he had to leave out today but I hope you guys got to meet him.
Has anyone heard whether or not the Optima Event will be televised?? I sure would love to watch it... The Best of Luck!!
Well we made it through Optima in one piece. Chris done pretty good considering he was outgunned by almost all of the other cars. He had a best time on the hot lap challenge of 2:14 with most of the big boys turning it in 1:30. He was good on the corners but just didn't have enough hp on the straights. He was middle of the road in the auto cross. I thought he would do better in that but he had just installed those new high 1500.00 roller shocks and just guessed on the setting. He was first out for the speed stop challange and had a very respectable first run but on his second he came in to the box to hot and locked them up went sideways and clipped the flagman with front bumper. Boy that guy was sure p$9':-' off. But it was a really good time. But we are in tha maverick doing 85mph on I40 just outside of Flagstaff ,AZ heading home. Just cruising and listening to some good times. Me and my boy
Correction. The big boys were turning in times in the 1:47 range. Fastest was a hopped up GTR running exhibition. Time was a 1:45. As far as the flagman is concerned on the speed stop... He should have known better than to wave a red flag in front of a charging Maverick. LOL... Kidding aside, I couldnt apologize enough to the guy. He was understanding and we are good. I believe there was another later on that did the same thing though. The road course was really cool. I little more setup time for tuning the suspension and the driver knowing more abotu what he's doing and 10 seconds off my time would be easy. The rest is about having the POWER. For example, the guy in front of me driving a Shelby Mustang put down a time in the high 150's. He was running 135-140mph on the straits. The best I could get to was 95-100. But I looked good doing it. LOL
Regardless, it's still pretty awesome that you were there, with those guys. I'm sure some of them have way more money into their cars. I think congratulations are in order!
way cool. just getting the invite is a huge win. im sure your car brought more attention to the maverick community. so what are you doing for more power for next year?!!