I know air shocks are not recommended for our cars. I put a set on a few years ago because I was trying to keep the car true to being a Stabber. I soon discovered through this forum the things that can happen with air shocks. The old set was there for 20 years w/no problems but I don't want to press my luck, so I'm running very little air in the current set. The car squats very hard under hard acceleration. Several people have told me there are sparks when I really get on it. I have an old set of Lakewood slapper bars w/o snubbers I plan to add because traction is non-existent. When i add any weight to the car ( a friend, cooler, my 7yr old son) the handling gets wicked even in a straight line over the slightest dip in the road. So my question is what shocks are recommended also snubber height. Street car no racing; just looking for improved driveability.
My springs are original. Really love the stance. I would hate to change the ride height, but I have thought about it.
what causes the sparking? usually that takes metal on metal or metal on the street contact to create sparks.
are you peeling out when the sparking occurs or is it hooked up and throws sparks? if its when its peeling you, you have either a screw or nail in your tire or your down to the steel belts. if you hooked up then the only thing i can think of is the drive shaft bottoms out in the tunnel.
Tires are fairly new, good tread no nails. I'll get under it and look for any indication of of a drive shaft issue. I just need a warm day. The sparking occurs only occasionally when I stand on it from a rolling start just before traction loss.
that would be the situation that results in the pinion yoke rotating up allowing the drive shaft to hit something in the tunnel.