preeching to the quire here with us we did get together last year at there family diner and had some good times even with my son earning the name "curb hopper" that day LMAO any time you guys want to all get together we can meet at my place theres tons of room and the neighbors all love me weve had small get togethers here with different mav/comet guys but I cant seem to rope steve into driving his mav to my house. I couldnt even convince him to take a ride in my comet even if he got to drive where are you from goofs?
I know just about all of the guys with mavs and comets maybe I can convince a few of them to come out even people that arent on here I know of atleast two people not on here that have mavs I can knock on the door of a third then theres a guy in elk grove and folsom it might give them just enough motivation to work on there cars