My name is Dave...some of you may have seen my Stallion build thread...the project has been on hold because on 3-10-13 I lost my 20 year old daughter in a car accident...she was on her way back to college...needless to say I had lost my love of the the past few weeks I have been visiting the forum again...I want to resume the build for her and me...its been helpful watching all of you folks enjoy the car still has many hours of work in it and I am having a tough time finding a 5 speed...but it might be good for me to get back into it...just thought I would share...
Duuuude.. I am so sorry for your loss. For you, I am very glad you decided to share what has happened. I say take your time and do what you feel like taking on in your time.. This hobby and this place is here when you need us. I hope you find what you need soon so you can let go a little and eventually get the car going.
Whew I can't imagine what you've gone through, loosing a child has to be one of life's most devastating tragedies... No doubt takes time to recover from such a loss...
Dave, I can't imagine anything worse. We lost my sister at 22 and it devastated my parents, my heart goes out to you and yours. For a 5 speed you can grab one from a late 90's V6 stang if you are planning a mild build, that's what I did. Picked up one with 90k for $150.
When I heard about your loss it broke my heart... We had just became fb friends and I didn't know what to say, so instead I prayed for you and your family... The car hobby will be therapeutic for you... I'm glad to see you back and look forward to seeing progress...
So sorry to hear about your loss. With two young children of my own, I can't even begin to understand what you must be going through. I'm glad you found your way back here again, and are willing to share your build with us. Like others have said, take your time and do things when they feel right for you. Like blugene mentioned, we'll always be here to help!
I feel you pain, my sad day was 02/10/2013, I lost my best friend, my hunting partner, my work partner, my fishing partner, the man that taught me all I know about vehicles and he was the one that kept me in line for so many years, my Dad, I wanted so badly to finish my Grabber before he passed so he could see I did learn, sadly I didn't get it done to show him, it is very hard on a heart when you lose a loved one, I am sorry for your loss and do know what you are going through, just keep on keeping on and finishing that Maverick is good therapy, I know mine was for me.
I agree with everyone I'm very sorry for your loss, losing a close friend or relative unexpectedly is truly devastating. I know, I've been there more times than I care to think about. But, finding something to do, something even just to occupy your mind can be a huge help in making it through a difficult time. Building this car as a memorial to your daughter will really help. I'm sure a lot of people here on the board will more than willing to help you out. We're here for you.