Anybody else notice that very few Mavericks are for sale these days? Sure, as time goes on we'll see less and less, but it seems to me that very few are listed these days, especially Grabbers and cars that haven't been completely ripped (and left) apart. Have to wonder if it's because they never became truly popular with the mainstream crowd and the vast majority ended up getting crushed. Anybody else notice this or do you think the Maverick species is still alive and well?
I have noticed that very few are showing up on craigslist around here - few compared to what used to show up from day to day. I think there are plenty still out there, but not being sold at this time for one reason or another. I think people are in somewhat of a holding pattern as things seem to slowly be turning around financially. They were able to keep the car this long through this economy, and until they see what happens for sure, I would guess that people are probably holding onto their projects in hopes that they will be able to afford to start working on them again soon. Also, some people are probably waiting for a better economy so they can sell their car for a better price. That's a couple theories anyway.
Always a few on Craigslist in these parts. However, it's become a rarity to find them in the Pull-A-Part yards around here anymore. 6-8 years ago there would almost always be at least 2-3 new ones every time I would go. Now, maybe 1 or 2 a year and they're usually stripped out hulks.
they are rare as a dinosaur in West Virginia you hardly ever see one for parts or for sale probably they rusted away from all the salt put on the roads
They have been MIA around here for over a decade. The way stuff rusts up here, you see 6-7 year old cars in the junk yards with rocker panels and floors hanging on by a thread! There are a handful of cars here locally, but most are summer cruisers or full-out race cars. You don't see them in yards or fields, and the last one I saw in a junk yard was in 1999. If the previous owner of my car hadn't needed tuition money to send one of his kids to college, I would still be looking for a Grabber...
I can say that I don't see many Mavs out in the "wild", in junkyards, or for sale anywhere online these days and I live in a rust-friendly state. I've also seen prices start skyrocketing on grabber parts and the rare cars that do pop up. It's starting to look like there just aren't many decent cars left here and I would imagine they're even more scarce in the rust belt.
This is another area that they've been thin in for years... Now and then one will show up on C'list, there a couple built for track and a pair of nice drivers around, but otherwise they're hiding... My Comet came from AL(orig MS) and the two nice Mavericks Brian have/had also came from out of the area... The few times I've been to local car shows in recent years, haven't seen a one...
Rarer than hens teeth around here. Was ONE maverick and one comet in a junk yard a year ago but both are gone now.
I've probably only seen 4 in the Pick-n-Pull up here in the past 14 years or so - definitely slim pick'ins.
As many as they made you would think there were more around. I know around here the old iron yards are crushing more than they are keeping and those yards are quickly disappearing. What I have noticed is that the affordable ones are pretty much junk and rotted away and there are a few that are just to high on the prices. I feel very fortunate that I picked up the one that I am build for $1000.00. It was a complete V8 grabber. I just wish I could have the ability to store parts like Craig. He will soon be the only place to get good parts.
In Massachusetts i have only seen two others at all, both at car shows. I have never seen another one actually being driven.
I see them, and find them all the time where I am at? Hell theres atleast 2 within a 1/4 mile from my house. I have 1, Bob (mavrocket) has 2-3 of them in his yard My cousin has like 4-5 of them. Pretty easy to find for me. Not including the 4-5 that I have stripped in the past 3 years and cut into tiny tiny pieces.
I have yet to see another Comet or Maverick around Cleveland, Ohio. I've been taking mine to car shows for the past 3 years and always been the only one and always asked "What is that!?"