"I've always had good luck with actually tightening the bolt a quarter turn then backing it out." The nut turns freely on the stud. It appears to be stripped, or the stud is. The studs were just all replaced. I'd be surprised if it was the stud that was stripped.
lug nut pics Here's what I'm dealing with. The one pic has a similar nut sitting on the rim, thread facing out, so as to give you a better idea of what the problem might be. Thanks of all of the input guys. I really need to get this thing off, and I'd much rather not have to replace the stud.
If you have that much room and area just take a 4" grinder with a cutoff wheel and cut it off. Replacing the stud is really easy. There is plenty of room from the back to fish the new stud in.
I haven't met a stud yet I couldn't twist off with a normal tire iron. Always been my answer when they get stuck, twist it off with the tire iron and replace the stud. Does the least damage that way. Not everyone has gorilla arms though. I made some studs go free spin on a car after losing traction and sliding it into a curb. Busted the darn things free, they still held like champs for 6 months, just wouldn't come off when it was time for new brakes. That was no fun, had to use a cut-off wheel. I was going to get behind them and score the stud heads to get a screwdriver on them to hold them, but I couldn't fit behind the wheel. If you can get to the back of the stud heads, slotting them to hold in place could work out.
Hit it with a big hammer, and see what happens. If it's stripped, you'll have to replace the stud anyways.
If the nut is spinning in place then the stud may be stripped in the axle flange. Try putting the one your working on towards the bottom, like in the pic, and pull the wheel out at the top as you impact the nut off..
Sorry that old ash wheel that little lug nut. I would have that off in no time grinder hammer temper plasma cutter. something is getting busted lug stud can be replaced in less than 5 min and 5$