I'm searching for some 3.55 gears for my 8" rear end. The 3.00 gears just aren't cutting it! I've done a good bit of work to motors and whatnot but never really messed with gears...what am I looking for to ensure a match? What kind of a job is swapping gears? Thanks!
Depending on your knowledge, it's a tricky job to do. Much easier to buy a rebuild kit, and a set of gears, and take it to a shop that does that stuff.
You're looking for a gear set for an 8" rear. As far as it being complicated to install them, it's pretty simple, you have to pay close attention to setting the gear pattern and pinion depth. I've heard of many shops screwing this up so it's a crap shoot. I would ask around and get feedback from those who have had this done by someone else in order to minimize the chances of having a negative outcome. If you are looking for a reliable guy to do this, there's one over here west of you between Baton Rouge and Opelousas.
Thanks for the info sir, that wouldn't be too bad of a drive, especially if they can do it on the car that same day!
agree...and wanting it in one day, just make an appointment to do it that way. gear set...bearing kit...
That's weird, around here I know two shops that would do it tomorrow, no problem. One guy was a Ford Factory drag racer from the 60's.
The guy I'm recommending has no problem installing parts supplied by the customer. And he does top notch work. He's not the uptight type, very laid back kind of guy. He kin spel too.
Sweet. And shows how much I know, I figured they could be replaced ON the vehicle. Heh. Will plan to remove the chunk and being it in. THAT I can do
I just found a whole third member at a salvage yard with 3.55's in it, refreshed it and installed it works great. Cost me $75 and it turned out to be a Trac-Loc. I found it in a Pinto wagon.
When whoever gets ready to install it,if they don`t show up w/ a dial indicater on a stand,& some blueing to put on the gears,I would be concerned.Not a hard job,but you don`t want to get stuck w/ roaring gears or out right failure if not done correctly.Just my 2 cents.Also the hogshead needs to be mounted in a vise.