I will take manual choke over auto choke 9 times out of 10. Why? Because it is guaranteed to work, I can shut the choke off when I want, and it...
Since your headliners out...I would just go inside the car and peck out the heavy dings with a body hammer. Then go up top and sand the roof,...
This answers a day late but... Torque convertor holds 4 quarts, the whole system holds 10 quarts. I would drain the transmission, add 3 quarts and...
I haven't tried a set, but heard a handfull on other folks cars. If you run a cat-less dual setup using the extreme it should sound mean. the...
That makes sense as to stoping the shifters travel. Those bands after years do get fragile through the constant heating/cooling. I drove my very...
I'm no grade A transmission expert. I've been inside/rebuilt 2 of these c4 transmsissions in my 20 years of living :p To me sounds like the...
build a 302, put in a 4 speed top loader or t5, low profile/wide tires, independent rear suspension, disc brakes front and rear, and some stout...
10w-40 in EVERYTHING!
*Update* The next day the panel had dried more so then before (but I didn't trust it). So I believe as Dave mentioned its just the cold...
55 degrees the day I put on and we had heater going in the garage, but its dipped into the 30's while panels set, ok I'll throw a few welds...
I bought the 3m adhesive, 08115. I followed the instructions just as you wrote. I'm figuring it might be the cold weather, could slowing the...
I did the job Thursday afternoon, and let the stuff setup until today (Sat morning) and its still mildly tacky and I removed clamps from one...
Not to take the thread off topic but I've also seen many vehicles at car shows and the owners say they painted it outside in their driveway or...
:tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup: good stuff
alright, yea I'm off tomorrow I'll swing by and get pressure test done and try and get problem squared away. It started spraying antifreeze this...
The 250 will have an entirely different distributor (duraspark II) then the 302, and you'll need a Electronic control module for the electronic...
Fooled around with cooling system on my 2 door, no prevail. Mounted Cowl back up top (4 door) after class today. Drying as we speak. Next will...
Yea, I am going to go on by autozone here after class probably and get a new thermostat and fill block like you said, see if I can clear the air
I like what your doing :tiphat:, I'd like to go this route with my 2 door, custom gauges and all.
Ok earlier this morning I removed the 13lbs cap (theres no coolant visible in the radiator) and started the car and... The level began to rise...
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