7D2 Grabber how can you see all this. lol. Wow you guys have good eyes. I can barely see the pics on my computer they are so small. I still think it is worth more then $3500 from what I can see. But for sure not $9500. For $9500 you can have mine. Haha..
When you've wasted a lot of time going to look at cars that look nice in a photo, you start looking at the posted photos very closely and try to pick them apart. Might be worth a little more than 3500 but not much more.
...and the back bumper is crooked. Not a fan, shiny though and I like the 4 speed. What's it got for a rear end?
I called this guy a while back and kindly mention to the man if you want 9.5k for a car make sure you know all about the car. When asked whats the motors specs no clue asked if it was a roller block no clue. asked what rear end no clue.