Hi all, Looking around to see if anyone has done a fuel tank conversion/swap on the later mavs and might have some tech information handy on where/what equipment to pick up. I've searched through the threads and found Mavaholic's earlier mav conversion how-to, could the same apply to the later years? I'm running straight dual exhaust that dumps out under the rear axle but I would like to change this and run them straight out the back. Problem is, the fuel tank sits on the drivers side and prevents the second run. I'm looking to get a new tank and get some fabrications done to get it to sit in the center. Thanks ahead for any info! -Dan
a good exhaust center can run the dr side pipe and not hit anything, but it's close. there's a tech article for converting a Mustang tank to use on our cars. just use the search function and you'll find all of the info you'll need. good luck
Thanks for the reply. There is a Mustang conversion I saw but it was for 71-73 Mavs. Is there much of a difference about fuel tanks and how they are strapped compared to a 77' 4 door's fuel tank?
the mustang tank coversion would apply to all model 71-77 since the body/chassis never changed. the difference between the 71-74 tanks vs. the 75-77 tanks is that they go from a 15 gal tank to a 19 gal tank. they're stamped in the same dimenions, just "bigger" for the larger capacity. their length and width are the same, but their height is taller from the bottom of the tank to the top (they're deeper) and use a longer fuel tank strap
To run dual exhaust in a later car, just route the tube around the leaf spring thats what im going to do.