OK, after reading many of the past posts on this, I am confused. Last week, my alternator light came on and I went to Autozone and they said that my Alternator was not putting out enough to charge the battery and that is why it was on. I bought a new Alternator and starter solenoid. After getting the Alternator swapped out I still have the ALT light but the car started and stayed running, however when I disconnect the positive battery cable it stalls and of course after a few starts I have a dead battery. So, I guess I could have gotten a bad alternator from Autozone. I did check all of the primary grounds to the frame. My next step is the Voltage Regulator and go ahead and change the solenoid. Any other suggestions?
This is the best i can suggest, If you want to keep the factory stuff you will need a wiring diagram. But this is the best move i made . http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1&part=PWM%2D8%2D47101&N=700+4294908331+4294880793+115&autoview=sku
the Voltage Regulator, battery and alt. are all...one part... any one of them mess up can kill the other two. if you can, take the car to have it checked on thier machine, they can tell you what part is bad now... ...and yes...you could have a bad new alt. JMO...Frank...