I went down to pick up my motor today. Bored .030 over. total re-build. The guys gave me a Discount from $1150 to $1000. I didn't even ask. Then i went to O-reilly's to get a new Harm balancer. Again the guy there gave me a 20% discount. It was my day. The motor is now on an engine stand and awaiting the water pump and misc brackets etc.. Also tounch up painting. Can you tell, I AM excited.
Wait, you had a motor rebuilt and .030 over, and you are going to slap on a cheap O'Reilly balancer??? Professional Products has a great balancer for your new engine. Their "Powerforce" series, model number 80007. I only paid $60 for it.
I would say the Balancer from o'reillys is any bit as good or better than a Prefessional Products balancer. maybe even higher quality as it needs to meet oem specifications.
Professional Products and high-end dampners have to meet SFI standards, not just OEM. I wouldn't trust an OEM or O'Reilly over 5500 rpms. But, hey, that can be added later. At least you got yours at a good discounted rate, and the engine is ready to install. I don't want to "dampen" your thrilling day with arguments about which part is better!