I just had Paul build me one of his special Yellow trannys and one of the questions he ask me was what type of fluid I was going to use, I ask him a little about fluids and told him I had always used type F so with that info he built one with components in it that worked better with type F. I am sure Paul will chime in sometime
I run a mix of Chrysler ATF+4 and Dexron III in my C4, along with a little STP Oil Treatment. It really helps warm it up on those cold days when it won't get up to normal operating temperature, (about 240 is good) and it makes the shifting nice and soft. You just about can't even feel it at all.
soft shift isn't really a good thing. it means your clutches are slipping longer creating more heat. heat causes trans fluid to break down and burn causing more slippage on the discs and eventually burning up your clutch discs.
i use amsoil syn trans fuild it has a higher heat index than all trans fluild ,when you shell out a butt load for tranny rework i want to protect it yeah it cost more but i dont use any thing else,and my last tranny i had reworked if the intermedate band didnt break(racing) my guy said it looked really good inside and said it was really clean inside so...........thats what i got
i knew it was type f originally, but ford has superceded mercon..like mercon3 is now replaced with mercon5 i guess my question should have been, does anyone use a newer type of fluid for the c4 and if so, why? type f is to 20w as atf+4 is to 50w i know thts an exaggeration but i know mopar atf is alot thicker than everything else commonly used. and it stinks like old wet socks it swells too.
Yeah, I know. I run Type F. In case anyone couldn't tell, the above was a joke. Please don't put Dexron or ATF+4 in your trans and DEFINITELY don't put STP Oil Treatment in it! You likely won't get outta the driveway.
I have had (3) C4s built... #1-recomended... Mercron/Dextron III #2- Mercron V #3-Mercron V...but when i asked about..Type F, he said it would work, just be a firmer shift... ......