Any body going to Biloxi for crusin the coast? Chris(GrabberGT) is coming down from texas to help me get mine finished and then head to Biloxi on the 6th. We are staying at the Flamingo Inn on Hwy 90 if anyone wants to stop by and hang out. It's one of the better places to sit and watch the cruisers go by.
I believe Razorsharp usually does that. Might send him a PM to see if he is going this year. Have a great time.
We were thinking about taking the car and the newly aquired motorhome this year, but Deb fell and broke her leg yesterday, so I guess we won't be able to make it. If you get the chance to get up with Ray, he's a great guy to hang around with.
Yeah baby...I'll be there. Actually, maverickoutlaw, GrabberGT, and I hooked up last year. I wouldn't miss it for anything. Nothing like 5000 plus vintage cars driving on the roads for an entire week. Certainly brings you back into time for a while. It's unbelievable the quality of some of the cars you see here. Just wish you could see all of the cars but it's impossible. See ya there Ray and Chris!
Dennis, When do you plan on moving to the Sunshine State? Going to move near your parents or up here in the Ocala area? Jim
Hey Ray Plan on coming to the Flamigo and hanging with us on sat night. We can watch the cruisers and talk trash about chevrolets.
Actually, Ocala was the one area I Was wanting to go but then my youngest daughter moved to AL. Its a nice area and land is pretty reasonable so it looks like thats where I will be going in about 6-7 years. Still a ways off.
Wish I could attend this year. Too much on the plate for Oct. I have a show this Sat, then the 18th and 25th with my son at shows in Lakeland and Tampa, then Old Town on Nov 4th. Maybe next year! I, too like the Alabama area, especially around Alex City, where Lake Martin is located. When I go to Ky, I always like the trip back through Ala best. If my son did not live in Fl, I would consider moving up there myself. There are many more car shows down here in Fl. though. Jim
Sounds good Ray...I might just be able to make that! I'll keep you posted on my plans. How bout pm me you cell and I'll give you mine so we can stay in touch.
Oh, I'll be there. PM me your cell number and let me know when you'll be there and where. We all need to try to get together at once.