In light of the number of you that have posted messages or sent PMs of encouragement in response to my April of '03 post ("Cancer;to sell the Mav or not to sell..."), I thought that I should update you a bit. First of all, let me say that I feel great. I have probably recovered 95% of my energy since the chemo treatments ended (they were pretty mild). I still have the Mav, but have mostly done part gathering, as compared to actual work on the car. This past Tuesday I had another 3 month check-up. I got a clean bill of health. Additionally I was told that our government (Canada) just agreed (August '04) to expand the use of Rituxin for treating people with my type of cancer. This is a fairly new and very promising drug. It is very expensive though...$45,000 for 6 treatments! (that is correct; forty five thousand, Canadian). You can see why they were not in a hurry to approve this stuff. In any case, if/when (depending on whether I get a miracle healing or not) I come out of remission again, they will use this with the chemo to knock the cancer back into remission. Rituxin is easier on the heart than the older chemo "cocktails", and seems to be more effective too. That's about it. I appreciate your prayers tremendously. Savour every day you can! Thanks to all of you. Sincerely, John B.
john, glad to hear your feling well. hope everything continues to go your way. you are an inspiration to us all. god bless you. keep us posted.
John: I wish you the best! I work for Genentech,Inc. As you know are the maker of Rituxin,it took years and alot of R&D to come up with this life saving drug. I'm glad your doing well! I have worked for Genentech for only 18 years now and have seen many and i mean many lifes changed or saved by our products. And no I',m not selling things here,the cost is very high i know. Canada has a great plan to take care of you,once again i wish the best for you, and would be nice of you to keep us all informed as to how things go with you. Also if your ever in the area I'll give you a tour of Genentech,just so you see what we'r all about. Once again,I wish the best for you. Tom
Good to hear your doing well, John. Its also good to know that you are the type that appreciates all the time that you are given. I can certainly learn a lesson from you. God bless. AC
John, thanks for the update. Glad things are going well. I know many here have you and your family in their prayers. It's a good family here. Dan
hey, really glad to know you're doing well. What kind of cancer do you have? My wife has lymphoma and has taken the rituxin and as of now is clean. Hope all goes well.
Glad to hear you are doing better John. I wish you all the best. Now, the best therapy is getting to work on that Maverick.....
John, I echo the sentiments expressed by all the others and I wish you continued good health. Sounds like you're doing your best to live your life to the fullest. Keep it up!