OK, I read through the archives and I want to be sure I have this correct. The Canton 15-610 - 302 oil pan will NOT fit the maverick without modification, correct? The pan is about 13 inches wide at the base whereas the lower control arm mounts are about 12 inches apart. Here is the link to the pan. Just want to confirm this, thanks. https://www.cantonracingproducts.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=15-610
I'd check out the 7qt pans on eBay. I bought one 5 yrs ago for less that $100 and it works just fine. It's not squared off like the Canton...and $200 cheaper. Also comes with the pick up.
Really, anyting more than 11.5" is pretty tight. Here is a picture of the Milodon pie shaped pan. When I took the motor out of the car I had to slide motor forward so the front sump would clear the A arms. Yes, there is a dimple in the pan from when I went off the end of the strip into the field.
I used that pan in my car before, just trimmed the lower control arm mounts and it fit perfectly. Not a big deal at all.
CometGT, I realize we could trim the lower control arm brackets but you would be removing the "end of the box" which in my estimation would significantly impact structural integrity. Thoughts?
Unless you boxed the area in that you trimmed.............I'd have to agree. My Maverick has re-inforcement plates over the top of these supports, but this was done to help strengthen the area from wheel stands, but the area you'd have to trim would then have to be box'd to maintain structural integrity, at least IMHO
Come on guys, I plated it back in and it did not "significantly impact structural integrity" You guys crack me up. Structural engineers??
CometGT74, How about some pictures???????????????????? You didn't say anything about "plated it back", in your last post so I just assumed you cut if off and left it that way.................you never know with all of these "rat rodders" running around these days, and yes, I do have a degree in Structural Engineeing..........although now retired!
That was back when I was running the old motor, it's a k-member setup now w/ motor plates. I knew I was correct on the structural engineer comment!
EFIMAV, I just went out and measured the distance between the control arms and it is 11.750"................so unless the kickout part of the pan sets below that or above that it will not fit without "triming" like CometGT74 did. "Final answer"
Olerodder and CometGT thanks for the help. It makes sense that the control arm brace was boxed after trimming. Just wanted to be sure before taking the plunge. Just realized I need to ask another related question. Any of these pans fit the Ford Boss 4 bolt main blocks? I know the Canton will but Summit doesn't indicate if the Moroso or Milodon will fit these blocks!
Not sure about the moroso or mildon, the canton did clear the 4-bolt mains on my dart iron eagle block. They (moroso or milodon) can tell you if they will fit or you can just get it and then modify it to work.
Both the Milodon and Moroso pans (that will fit our Mavericks with stock suspension) will fit over 4 bolt main caps as long as they are only on the three center mains, they will not any block with 4 bolt mains on all 5 caps like a MoTown. As a drag racer I really don't have to worry about lateral forces like Streamliner but that's what the T pans were originally designed for. As CometGT74 mentioned, you can modify the suspension or modify the pan. It just takes time, money along with a little blood, sweat and tears........IMHO