Just to bring this back up. I just got my History 999 Report today. Or as they call it on the phone, a build sheet. My assessment on this is that it is a Fastback but it was just not called that. That was left for the Mustangs only. Anyway, the third and forth number together in your Vin stands for the Body Serial Code. Mine is 93. And in the report they sent to me, it says it is. 93-2 Door Ford Maverick Sport Sedan Grabber. Not sure about ones that are not a Grabber or are a 4-door. So again we know it is a Fastback, but just not called that. So it is a Sedan and a Sport at that. O.K. I just added this after I made the post: Body Serial & Type Code: 91 / 62A - Maverick 2-door Sedan Standard 92 / 54A - Maverick 4-door Sedan Standard 93 / 62D - Maverick 2-door Sport Sedan Grabber 30 / 54B - Comet 4-door Sedan Standard 31 / 62B - Comet 2-door Sedan Standard or GT
Coupe or sedan has NOTHING to do with the term 'fastback'. That was just a Ford marketing word to describe the angled rear glass when compared to the nearly vertical rear glass common to the day. The Maverick 2 door has what most would call a fastback because of the slope and the short height of the view out of that window. On the other terms: Ford calls it a sedan. It's not a hardtop because of the post and window frames on the doors. Dave
kinda:deadhorse and . By the way the reason i said Sports car is because that was where i found it on the NADA site
I read this in a consumer guide a long time ago, Sedan a four door or a 2 door Hard top- steel roof without steel around the Side Windows/ Pillard Hardtop -Steel Roof with Steel attached to the doors running around the windows, Coupe is a 2 door whether it is fast back or notch back the Chevy Vega had both a notchback design it was also a hatch back and a fast back, Actually there was a Nova that had a hatchback and it was a fast back too too. THen there is the hatch back Or how about this 2 box design or 3 box design THere are Roadsters which are traditionally 2 Seat Convertables Sports Cars which are 2 seaters usually, and sometimes with varying top designs Speaking of which.. there are Are convertables. Also called soft tops, there are Targa Tops T-Tops, Hard Convertable tops, THere are Luxury Cars typically larger road cars also called Touring cars Deville, 300M. LTD There are Personal Luxury Cars, Monte Carlo, Cordoba, Eldorado, Torondao. Pony Cars, Early and later Mustangs, Camaros.. Muscle Cars, "Cuda Challenger, Late 60's early SEventys Mustangs,Torinos GTOS, Cultlass, SO what was the question?? I think My Comet is Classic 2 Door Sedan with a Fastback design doing Multiple duty as a Sports, Muscle, Grocery Getter, Economy, Make wife pissed off everytime she sees it .. All purpose, Money Grabber, CAR. Or a Personal Versatility Vehicle ... ,
Yep both my Mavericks are 2 door fastback/sports roof sedans. But I just like to call them Bad ASS!!! By the way I was also always taught that a sedan had the pillar between the front and rear windows and a coupe was a car that when the windows were rolled down there was nothing but open space between the front and back. notchback coupe fastback coupe This definition makes the most sense that I have seen yet since it seems that most people have a difference of opinion this definition takes that into account A coupé (French word from the verb couper to cut) or coupe is a car body style, the precise definition of which varies from manufacturer to manufacturer, and over time. Coupés are often sporty variants of sedan (or saloon - see American and British English spelling differences) body styles, with a close-coupled interior offering either two seats or 2+2 seating (space for two passengers up front and for two occasional passengers in the rear). Before the days of motorized vehicles, the word referred to the front or after compartment of a Continental stagecoach. As I said before though I always was told that it had to do with the window post but as I later found that did not hold true with the first car that I ever heard of that had both a coupe and a sedan which is the 1940 Ford it came in a coupe or a sedan and it had nothing to do with the window post as it seems to have had more to do with the roof line and the size of the back seat COUPE
Well I learned somethign today at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedan A sedan can be a 2 door car ? And further more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Car_body_style Thsi is eye opening I didn't know all the differences