Okay, I've got the upper intake on & I modified the upper intake. It cost me $50 for the modification. Better than spending $400 or $500 for another performance intake or a smaller booster. The MPG firewall to shock tower braces did not work. It clears the upper intake & works fine on the passenger side, but the drivers shock tower bracket hits the master cylinder as well as the brace. I still need to work this out. Any suggestions on this one would be appreciated...
Looks good. Hmm..some other guys on here should be able to help you out. I'm not that far along on my efi install. Are you going to install (fab) a shock tower to shock tower brace? I'd like to see a pic of it. Also, can you get an 'arial' view (looking straight down) of the efi in the Mav. It'll help give me a perspective on what the shock-tower will have to look like (if its worth bending around the upper). Good Luck, Rick
I don't know if I have the capability to hang straight above the engine bay for your arial pic. LOL. But, I can certainly give you a higher up shot. The problem is the mastercylinder for that sides brace, not the booster or upper intake. The mastercylinder sits considerably higher than the upper intake. I didn't have the mastercylinder on for these pics, but I'll add that for the next sky pic.
Another option You might try a upper and lower intake from an explorer or F-150 89 to 96 i believe, There turned around the other way. That and also , Edelbrock makes a throttle body adapter that will turn your throttle body towards the front on a 45 degree angle to clear the drivers side brace on a mav ... The adapter is for a mustang but will work on the F-150 intake ... As far as price , You can probably get the intake from a junk yard dirt cheap ... The intake you have is a stock 5.0 so performance wont suffer,As a matter of fact ive been told that the explorer / 150 intake puts out just as much as an aftermarket intake for way less ... Just a thought
No...can't use the upper intake that goes the other way...I had one of those and it only leaves about 1/2" of clearance between the master cylinder and the opening of the throttle body..not good if you plan on putting an air cleaner on there! I am curious about the braces ,too....I will be looking for those soon!
GS-- Where do you plan on mounting the EFI computer? On my '77 I ended up cutting a rectangular hole in the driver's wheelwell (on the firewall side) and using stock brackets out of a Grand Marquis, the computer sits under the dash to the left of the driver. It works well, except I don't like having the main connector in the wheelwell for obvious reasons...not sure I like mounting it under the hood either..what are you plans? Thanks!
I attached a pic to show where the harness traveled thru. My ECU is mounted into a stock 5.0 bracket & that bracket is screwed to piece of 6"x6" sheet metal that slides up between the heater box & pass side kick panel & is retained by two screws. The stock kick panel still fits perfectly. Two screws & I can slide down the ECU for access.
You cannot see the ECU when mounted without removing the kick panel & the two screws that let the ECU slide down for access. I can remove it simply enough & then take some pics for you, if that's what you want???
hmmm Mavmark I have plenty of room between the throttle body and the m cyl. using the F-150 intake... In addition using the throttle body adapter #EDE-3845 It clears the brace also ... I didnt mention it im my last post but in order to use the edlbrock adapter you have to use the edelbrock throttle body but you have the choice between the 65,70 and 75mm bodies ... The cost is about $200.00 for the throttle body but its worth it ...
gs, I was trying to picture how it was installed. I came in much higher on the firewall, maybe the way you did it would have been easier to do in the long run!
76Mav, Do you have power brakes? If you do, do you have a picture of your set up? I am curious about it! I can't visualize how the throttle body clears unless the upper intake is different than the one in gs's pic(which is like mine)...Mine actuall "cleared" that way, but with only 1/2" clearance, it was not practical...
It is different , Its turned around the other way ... The throttle body faces the drivers side, And with the adapter it sits further foward and on a 45 degree angle in relation to the upper intake ... Now mind you theres not enough room to shove a basketball between the throttle body and the Master Cyl. but theres no worry of contact between the two ... Ill get pics when its all installed i have only dropped it in for a dry fit so far ...