Ok, i have a 76' Maverick which just started Diesleing(engine keeps running after i turn it off for a little bit) after i got a new modulator valve put in. What causes this and any recomendations on how to fix it also if it costs alot to fix how bad is it to drive my car like that till i can get it fixed can it wait 2 weeks? or something that needs to be fixed asap.
if the timeing is to adavanced it can diesle. if its running to lean it can diesle. sence you just had the vac. modulater on the trans replaced i would check all your vac. lines for a disconected one or broken one. make sure the vac advance hose is hooked up to the right port on the carb. if you cant figure out what is causing it, turn off the car with it in gear. that will stop the motor instantly. then put it into park.
as far as the idle is concerned the speed seems about the same if not possibly a little slower than original. and in responce to Bryant i will check to make sure nothing is disconnected or connected improperly. but other than being anoying how bad is this for my engine if i cant get it fixed within the next couple of days?
Running onis generally caused by two things - either one or both. 1. Idle too high 2. Pre-ignition Having the timing too far advanced will contribute by raising the possibility of pre-ignition but having the idle too fast will almost always be the cause.
It can do damage especially if it runs backwards which they can do when they diesel. Like Bryant said shut it off on gear. Dont forget to put it in Park after though.
as long as you turn off the motor in gear and dont let it diesle it shouldnt do any real damage. try running the next grade of gas avaiable to you if your not running premum. if you have a timeing light you can back off the timeing 2 degrees and see if that helps also.
anybody remember the movie "Friday" where chris tucker has that convertable pinto that diesels halfway down the street as he tries to get out!!!
make shure you have the vacum advance to ported vacum only on the carb., not full vacum... I know for a fact that on my 76 maverrick would advance 19* degrees on the vacum side along. and about 10 to 17 degrees centrifigal degrees dependant of engine rpm... timing chain/ timing gear issues, carbon build up ...good luck !!! let us know what you find !!!!