ok.. heres the story.. some of you may remember me.. i post very infrequently . usually because i am too busy reading all the threads. however i have come across a dilemma you may be able to help me out with. i have a 72 4 dr that the engine jsut doesnt run right.. i have been tinkering with for months now. although i did get that trans replaced. im thinking it needs a a complete rebuild as well as a carb. however to get me back and forth to work i jsut bought a 90 maxima. it cost 500 and runs great... now seeing how i have no money to rebuild an engine and no place to do it either. i am thinking of getting rid of the maverick. i could let it sit in the garage for a coupla years. but my neighborhood has this thing bout excessive cars int he driveway or some such.(which is where i park the maxima) no dont get me wrong i love the maverick but it will be a looooong time before i get to work on it again. so should i sell it or just keep the situation the way it is. btw even if ido sell it.. i will still come here to read posts.. they are just too funny and helpful. so what should i do? besides
Keep it...ya never know when you come across a good motor for a song and dance. Besides, there seems to be a growing intrest in these cars. Hang on to it as long as you can and you'll get more money outa it. BTW...why didn't ya use the 500 to get yer comet squared away?
The :evilsmile with the neighborhood. Hang onto the Mav as long as you can. I regret selling some of the Mavs from my past. Sometimes situations cause us to do things like getting rid of a car and such but if no one is complaining yet and you don't have a lot to gain by selling the car, hang onto it. Just my
true enough.. but only a matter of time till i start getting complaints. i hate homeowners associations... know whats funny tho?? could park the mav in the driveway and get compliments but the association would say something and prolly try to fine me. non running and all that.... anyone got a CHEAP 250 i could jsut put in so i can say it runs?
If the car looks decent then just try and move it around every week or so. That way people will think it runs. I did that with a Mustang I used to have. One day I put an engine in it and no one even noticed. Had it for almost a year before I put a new engine in it, people even came by and told me they liked my new car.
Skyklops, dude! I don't think were very far apart. You need any help getting that thing running right give me a PM. I've spent many summers in my grandpa's field messing with old cars. I know my way around pretty good (and yes Terry, I know what points are! )
jamie.. no we are not very far apart... it will run... but not very well.. i can do anything externally to a car.. but internal engine is not something i have a lot of experience with... still seriously debating selling it tho.. no money... this house is eating everything i got and then some... i get a decent offer and ill get rid of it.. till then ill just do like big bully says... move it ever now and then..drinks gas like CRAZY.. may just be carb but sounds to me like it needs rebuilt engine..