I don't know if I can justify the cost of the Grabber style sport mirrors. They're pretty expensive, and not too easy to find. I'm pretty sure that the GM G Body sport mirrors will work on the Maverick/Comet. But, lately I'm thinking that Pontiac Fiero mirrors might be the correct angle and would look pretty kewl. You know... just to be different. They look good on this Corvair... http://www.persh.org/corvairs/CorvairFieroMirrors.htm
I would personally look for a set of the original mirrors. The Fiero mirrors don't have that good of a shape in my opinion.
There's a set of original ones on eBay right now. As usual, they are overpriced. I can't see throwing out that kind of money for mirrors. Has anyone used the G body GM mirrors that look almost identical to the Grabber mirrors? I can get those at less than half the price and they look the same to me. I'm still not ruling out the Fiero mirrors. Dare to be dIfFeReNt.
Look for Pinto mirrors, they are really close to the Mavericks. I bought a set a while back for $25 on a gamble they might have been Maverick mirrors. For the money it was a safe bet, any more and I would have walked. If they weren't buried in storage I'd offer them up for sale!
Buck I used Escort / Mustang gt mirrors on mine ... There are pic in my gallery with all electric hook up
I used some Mustang II sport mirrors on a Maverick. They were relatively cheap and they mounted close enough to level that anyone other than a Maverick owner would not know they were not original.