Well I finally got my old car back and home. I sold it to a friend 23 years ago. We sort of went our seperate ways for alot of those years and it sat in a barn since. I ran into him one day and started asking about the car and well one thing lead to another and I've rekindled my friendship and recovered my old car. It's a little more rotted than I recalled but I count myself lucky to get it back and have the chance to now complete it the way I had originally wanted to before school and life took precedence.
Wow! Congrats!!! Not too many people are lucky enough to find the same car back after all these years. Most people have to settle for finding something close and duplicating.
Looks great! You an your helper there should have lots of bonding an great stories with this project! Good Luck, Congratulations!
Thanks for all the good wishes guys, I really appreciate it as well as all of the valuable advice I pick up on this site. The car is actually a lot worse than it looks in the photo - hopefully you can make out the extent of some of the rot in the photo. Frankly if it hadn't been my first car I would likely have opted to try to find a southern shell to start from but this is the one I hot rodded when I was 16-17 so it means that much more. One of my motivations in getting it back was a project for me and both of my boys to share in.
Congrats! I'd love to have half of the cars I have ever owned back. Looks like it will be a big job to restore it, but it'll be worth it.