Hello, I have a '71 Maverick with a 200 engine. Because the car had been sitting for about a year, I decided to put an in-line filter between the hose that enters the engine compartment, to the the fuel pump. I used a clear plastic one--I do have a filter screwed into the carb. I did this because I didn't know of a way to clean out the tank without having to take it out. After running the car for some weeks (occasionally), it started running rough so I replaced both filters and it seemed to smooth out some. Someone recently told me that the clear see-through filter is garbage especially if the engine compartment gets too hot enough, the plastic could melt, but I like the idea of seeing the filter instead of waiting for the engine to run rough. Any thoughts out there? Also, I was told that the plate inside the air cleaner housing, that's fed hot air from the engine, works on a heat-activated spring to open and close. If the spring is bad where can I get a replacement, and what is it's actual part name? And finally, the vacuum advance on the distributor has two outlets for hoses, one to advance the spark and one to retard it. I was told that the engine will run better with one of those is plugged, along with the corresponding tube from the engine's vacuum port--please excuse my lack of proper terminology. What are some thoughts on this? Thank you for your help!
"the clear see-through filter is garbage especially if the engine compartment gets too hot enough, the plastic could melt, but I like the idea of seeing the filter instead of waiting for the engine to run rough." Any thoughts out there? that will work for a band aid but you will have to pull the tank and clean it out to stop the problem.
True. Unfortunately, I don't have an area to do such a job at this time. Thank you for your response.