Not that I know of. I do know you can use the clear plastic part from a Mustang, I think '71-'73, not positive on those years though.
Just wondering, why do you want one from a car other then a Mav? Maverick clusters are very easy to find. I can get one in a local junkyard for $19.
I want white gauges, and I figured it might be easier to find overlays for,say ,a mustang , that would work for my comet. those whate face overlays on ebay are complete trash.
I have found the white face gauge overlays on E-Bay to be very good, if installed correctly, they make a world of differance, why do you say there trash?
The gauge overlays on my car are fine, and look a whole lot better than the black, and are much easier to read. It is all in the way you inststall them.
I have seen gauges from other cars adapted to Mavericks. I think it is quite a bit of work though. One was an early or mid 70s Montego speedo and tach that were carved up and fitted to a Mav panel so that the end result was a reasonably stock looking Maverick gauge cluster with a tach. A lot of work for the result of having stock looking, when the stock tachs are pretty inaccurate. I think it would be less work to use some aftermarket gauges fitted into the stock pods. More money, but more accurate. Dave
For starters, what i got out of the envelope the guy sent me looks remarkably like some crap he made on his computer then stuck a big peice of clear tape on.I dont consider that a quality product. Second, your supposed to paint your guage white then cut most of the overlay out for the idiot lights....that to me is idiodic.If im going to paint the gauge, im going to paint the buy the overlay so you dont have to do that.The least this guy could do is to sell an overlay with this section already cut out to save you the hassle, which is exactly what it is, a great big [size=-1]Ridiculos hassle. Im spending thousands and thousands of dollars to restore my car to better than new condition,and I want the best for it, and these overlays are not the best.So i'll have the faces redone in white without overlays, because it seems that having them painted is the only way i'll get a quality result. No offence to the guys that have and like his overlays,their just not for me. [/size]
You obviously didn't get the same overlays we got. That sounds nothing like mine. I didn't have to paint anything.
Sounds like you don't want to do any work, I mean cutting out a few slot's on the overlay is a hassle to you! But your putting out thousands and thousands to make your car better then new, wish you luck, and be sure and post pictures of your painted dash gauges! We'd all look to see how they turn out!