Hey all, My name's Nic, I'm 17, and new to the forums. I found the site a few days ago when I got interested in Mavericks. I was coming home from my grandma's house when I saw a shiny blue car on the side of the road that caught my eye. I later asked my dad what it was, and he said "that was a maverick, one of the ugliest cars in the 70's" (he was my age back then, so I suppose they saw things differently than I do) I told him he was crazy, and that we should check it out, since my family has been on me to find a new car. I currently drive my first car, an '82 Volkwagen Rabbit Convertible. While I love the rabbit, nothing in it works except the engine, so it's fine for getting me to and from school, but nothing else. So, my parents decided that a maverick would be a safer car, and if it was in good condition, they'd help me out buying it. I'm going to look at it this weekend, I didnt see close enough to tell if it was a 4-door, but I think it was. They had it priced at 1500, so I'm hoping I dont go over there only to find out it's missing an engine or a tranny. Wish me luck with the mav!
carlo to the board, hope everything works out for you. i live in twiggs co. (and it is the "sticks) ...frank...
aboard! Another GA guy! I'm in Gwinnett County. Good luck getting the Mav! You need any parts or help, give us a holler.
Welcome, Nic! I am in Jenkinsburg, between Jackson and Griffin, in Butts County. Glad to have another Ga. Maverick on the board.
Thanks everyone, I'm surprised to see so many guys from georgia, seeing as how I don't think i've ever seen a maverick around here. About the car, i got a closer look today, turns out it is a 4 door, 89,000 miles on it, the paint looked to be in good shape, matching blue vinyl interior had a rip or two, bench seats, automatic. The only cosmetic thing that I could spot was a little rust on the bumpers. Overall it looked great to me, but there were no phone numbers or anything on the car, so I've got to wait to get in touch with the owners before i take it for a drive. Now I just need to see if i can talk 'em down a bit from 1500 and convince my dad that it would be better for me than my rabbit!