I have a c4 and its revs high before it will shift to second gear. It shifts fine but it just takes so long to get it to go into second. I checked the fluid its a good level and its not burnt. Also I replaced the modulator (green stripe). Any other suggestions?
Did it do it before you replaced the modulator? I'd wait for PaulS to answer. The onlly other thing I'd try is to adjust the modulator. But I don't know beans so I'd wait for the experts to chime in.
Check your manifold vacuum. The C4 needs at least 10 inches of mercuty of vacuum to shift. If your engine id worn or has a lopy cam the vacuum may be low enough to affect the shift timing. While you are checking things check to make sure you kick-down linkage is free and working properly.
just checked the kickdown and it is adjusted correctly and everything is good with that, I couldn't find my vaccum guage so I havent checked on that but the motor probably has 5000 or so miles since rebuild and the cam is just a stock roller cam from a 92 mustang, so I dont think that is the problem...Any other ideals?
When you replaced the modulator was there a small rod in the old one? If that is missing the trans will not shift correctly.
I feel like an Idiot, PaulS you were right about the vaccum , some how I switched the vaccum lines so therefore it wasnt getting any vaccum, but it is all fixed now! Thanks