Well after 10 months of owning my maverick, it finally made it home into my driveway. It has been sitting at my parents since I purchased it and I finally decided to get in it this weekend and drive the 200 miles home. It was a great ride and I was very suprised. Since I have had it I have put a total of 1000 miles on it around town and the furthest from the house was 15 miles. So to be out on the freeway with all the other cars was a great feeling. My car is not that far off other then a leaking powersteering line. I am surpised that I held a steady speed of 70-75 the whole time and not a noise from the car. All I could hear was the wind and my side mirror rattleing. I will never doubt the little car after that ride. Now it is time to get her in the garage and start putting her together. I will post pictures soon.
Congrats on getting your Maverick home. I have had to store a Maverick at friend's house after I bought it, for a few months, so I know what you are feeling! Sounds like you are enjoying it already, looking forward t the pics!
Just like bringing home a good friend eh? Glad you made it home with it! Good luck with the car! Preston
Ok, I would love to post the pictures but I can't remember how. If some one may help me out that would be great.
using the search button above, I found http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=7710&highlight=post+pictures
Here are the long awaited pics of my car. I have done nothing to it other then breaks since I have had it. Thanks, I did not look at the bottom. I kept getting the URL one.
As of right now the 250 in it is pretty strong. So I plan to leave it in till it dies. When that day comes I will most likely change over. The guy I bought the car from wanted to sell me a 351W that he was planning on putting in but I was not sure about the mechanics of the motor and I was not sure what I wanted to do in that area. For the body there is rust starting to show in the usual places such as the fenders, rear rockers and the bottom corners of the doors. The car looks to have been hit in the back passenger side that is why the paint is faded. Some one did a messy job. They bondoed the tail extension to the car. I have managed to find a new one and I am going to try to clean up that area. The car was origanaly school bus yellow and you can see where the blue is flaking away. But I think I am going to stick with the blue. When I was growing up there was a blue maverick a couple streets over that I had always liked. Right now my biggest mess are the leaky power-steering lines. I drove it to work the other day and you can see my path all over the lot with the drip marks. I am waiting to get in trouble for it. I had blocked a co-worker in due to the lack of spots and he told me to move my POS. What does he know, he drives a Volvo. Over all I am looking foward to my long term relationship with my maverick. The only opsticals are the usaul, time and money but definitely not imagination.
NJ; some of the Mustang resto houses have a power steering eleminator that allows you to use your stock suspension, and do away with the power steering. It is about $120. Much less expensive than fixing all the power stuff, and even new, it is a pain to keep from leaking and squeaking. Give it some thought.