Russ; I'll be leaving the morning of the 13th, and meeting Frank and Effie, if they are coming that way. We'll be coming up I75. Don't know when we will be leaving, but should be early.
Same here but I haven't decided if I'm going to run 75 or go up the state hi-way I'm limited to 65 as my top speed cruising
I guess someones got to start it off so I got another guy to work for me tomorrow. We're leaving tonight for the Gathering.
Went out to dinner with my renters this evening. Nice couple. They had a story about a jinxed boat and trailor they bought. He went through some 6 tires, bent wheel, some leaf springs and a bent axle on a weekend after getting too far to turn around. Had his wife and 4 kids and it was in desert area and mountains in California somewhere (Needles?).. Couldn't help but think of you and your trip. Hope it goes extra smooth for you Don.
Safe travel to you Don, Ruth and T1 & T2.....and everyone else traveling to the GATHERING. If anyone needs my # inbox me. **Also working on some activities for those coming on to Louisville early.....thinking about going bowling Monday night :bananaman Becky and I have a few "local" eateries and site seeing places in mind.