Jack, I figure she will probably tell you you should have been there when the last batch was cooked and that she doesn't have time to stand around and bake cookies all day.
SO who is going to post some pictures up on something besides facebook? Maybe make a folder in the gallery like past years? I cant see facebook at work and i want to see some pictures.
Perhaps it was due to the guys who could stuff 15 marshmellows in their mouths. Maybe they were practicing with the cookies!
Everytime I saw someone gnawing on one, I raced in to the drawer, only to feel like Charlie Brown at Halloween! I got a couple though. Chocolate chip are the gold standard in cookies, but those strawberry cheesecake cookies were a pretty close second.
The bin may come down next year when they hear that we are coming back lol.. if not then they better stock up. Seriously though, I am shocked that I had that great of a time and still have money left that I had put aside for the event.. enough to buy some new blue tenni shoes lol. During the last about 150 miles while crossing across Texas I told Dorothy and Shannon to pay attention cause I may need to slam on the brakes. It was now dark and there were alot of trees on the sides. That tells me there could be deer. Sure enough not 5 minutes later here she is. I just knew she was gonna do it. I let off and there she goes running and slipping most of the way. I am jamming the ABS right about now and turn just slightly to the right, not jerking or anything, then Dorothy screams. I thought for sure I was gonna take out the driver front corner when all I hear is what sounds like the hoofs glancing off of the bumper. We pulled into a Whataburger to look and there is nothing. As we are pulling in though there sits a 70 or 71 Grabber. This one had no hood scoops but had the tail spoiler. I left a MCG card . We saw 4 deer all together.
There was a couple of things that we coulda done without this trip. One was a lake that was very low. As we approched the bridge Dorothy was telling me about the news she saw on tv talking about dead fish by the thousands being on the banks. As our eyes focused on the shore our noses focused on the smell. That smell lingered for a while. One of the worst smells I ever had to smell. Shannon tooting after White Castles is a contendor though lol. At least with that I could crack the window and it would go out. It became a rule that he would warn us