when you Guys get something together, let me know. I get up to Sanford, a few times a year...Seth (littleredtoy) and I have hooked up for breakfast before... Frank and Patches...
I have family in Greensboro and Sanford so I would be up for a "get together" anywhere down in that area!!
Would anyone be interested in a mini meet in Benson, NC? http://www.townofbenson.com/ A new all-Ford club http://www.fullthrottlecarclub.com will be putting on a show, open to all makes, on Sat Oct 27. The show will be in conjunction with a 5K run that reportedly brings a lot of folks downtown. If there's interest, we cold get adjacent parking at the show for Mavericks and Comets.
1st Mini Meet in NC OK!! Let's plan on it. Hold the date and I'll post details as they are available. Talked with the president of Full Throttle Car Club and he's all for it. This will be the second show for the new club and we want to have as many cars as possible. The show will raise funds for a young girl with some serious health problems since birth.
Classics at the Capital Anyone planning to attend? http://www.classicsatthecapital.com/ I'll be there with the Sprint outdoors on Saturday.
Js- I was actually planning on heading up there to check you out, but it turns out that the family I'm buying my Mav from will be out of town all next week so the only day I can get the car is, you guessed it, Saturday. If you'll be around sunday let me know, I might be able to make it up there!