so this whole time i've been under the impression that me carb is a 4160. i do know it has vacuum secondaries, but the gaskets that came in my rebuild kit dont match the ones that are on it. the one between the primary metering block and the main body and the ones in between the plate and the main body. also the power valve was different. the dude at the shop said the power valve would work though. ive been going by the number on the choke tower, however, it has an l in front of it instead of the r that is shown on all the part number lists. if by some miracle one of you guys knows off the top of your head, here are the numbers found on the choke tower. LIST-6919 (this is the # i used to get my rebuild kit) 2689 GR 4585 B P74 (on the side) im gonna check their website again, but i thought id post here first in an effort to save time.