That makes four of you in that town doesn't it? I'll be in Watson (between Dumas and McGehee in the Delta). I hope to get to Conway to see Dave. Maybe I can meet up with you.
That car looks mint. The bumpers are much more shiny than most of the big bumper cars that I have seen. Nice find. Gonna keep that FM converter? Seth
wow very nice! nice color too so did you steal it? sorry if its rude to ask but might i be rude and ask how much you got it for? i'm nosey!
Congratulations on a very nice car! What a nice find! I did laugh when I saw the FM converter, though. I haven't seen one of those since my father's '76 Nova! That was a long time ago.
Awsome Grabber! Very nice! I love it! You are very lucky! I haven't seen a '74 Grabber in that color combo in years. Mine is white with black stripes and black interior. Enjoy
Hi Mike, I´m Paul, writing from Brazil. My father and I, are Mav fanatics, and now we´re working (or tying to) to restore a Grabber 74, same like yours. Take a look, our site is: Congratulations and enjoy your "new" Mav, Paul