I just got my 74 maverick looking forward to restoring it I am VERY new to mavericks and if you guys have any info send it my way but my 3 main questions so far is Were can i find the cheapest New fender's quarter panels Whats the best aftermarket seats to install to get rid of the ugly bench seat and were can i find sport mirrors(my car only has one) But thanks for reading guys and cant wait to talk to you in the future Pictures soon
Welcome from Northern California! You probably won't find too many new fenders, but you can find good used ones and sport mirrors here in the classifieds or check your local craigslist. You can pretty much install any seats you like easily if you have Maverick seat tracks.
This place is the best source for all your Maverick needs . Just be patient and plan on taking your time..
Thanks guys I seen a guy from Indiana on the forum that looked like he had alot of parts ill prolly check him out RL]
from Atlantic Canada! Place a "Wanted" ad in the Classified section on this site, as there are several members here that have access to lots of good parts, and sell them on a regular basis. Good Luck!
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