Ack!! I've been having trouble with keeping power steering fluid in my '73. Took it to the garage and they said it was the power steering pump and its gonna cost a nice chunk-o-money to fix. Also attempted to get the car inspected and it failed for the steering wheel lash (??) You NJ guys should understand what that is... Ok its the power vavle for the power steering that needs replaced. Please let me know ASAP if you have one or can get one without too much trouble. Anyone out there got one they can spare?? I'm willing to pay for the cost of the part and shipping. Otherwise.. my car is dead! I'll post back when I find out exactly what part it is.. I didn't talk to the mechanic myself. Thanks in advance!!
I'm sure glad I don't live in Jersey, mine would never pass! (yes, it is a safety issue that I should and will fix anyway but... we can't always afford to do so right away) I remember years ago when a garage told me the slop in my steering was because of the control valve... So, I paid the money, got it replaced, and still had sloppy steering. All the steering components play a role in it, so don't be surprised if that's not it.
Actually it makes sense if its the valve.. been leaking ps fluid for 3 weeks now... but thanks matt...
What motor do you have? I have a complete ps set up off a 250. It was a tight, leak free system when I took it off last year.
P/S pump I was just in the junk yard today stripping a 73 Mav w/ a 302. It has P/S and it looks complete. After I got thru, it's missing the shoulder harnesses and motor mounts! If you still nedd a pump. let me know and I'll see if it's still there tomorrow when I go back for the 68 mustang I'm stripping! Pump is about $40. It also has a complete C-4 and the rear is also still in the car. So far, the motor is what's missing! David 954-849-4999