Looking for advise on good alignment specs, I know it has been asked a hundred times, but I have the Unisteer rack and pinion which is a rather quick ratio set up I believe it is 3 turns lock to lock. I am hoping someone here has this setup and has found the perfect alignment specs if there is such a thing. right now I have 3.5 caster, -.7 camber and 22 total toe, and still a little touchy at highway speeds. we are considering backing the caster back to 2.5 and a little less toe. started with 30 total toe and that scared the hell out of me. I know the factory specs show 1/16 to 1/8 toe which is less than I have now so maybe I need more like 5 to 7 total toe. Anyone have any ideas.
Are those spec's for Manual Rack? The Unisteer is pwr rack. U might want to consult Unisteer on what they recommend. Also, Nick Dominick's car was the mule for the Unisteer setup; his car was in Lima Ohio last year and some of those who drove it seem to like it. U might PM him to get some ideas. http://mmb.maverick.to/threads/unisteer-rack-and-pinion-steering.94182/
stock caster is -.5 to +1 is that correct, is that what you are at because I shimmed my upper and now at 3.5 and was at 1.5 before and seemed better than 3.5
I will, and I do like it but believe where the problem arises is the quick ratio so I am attempting to tame it down a bit so may bring the toe closer to 0 and try that and also I have seen many which like the 2.5 caster
I did ask and they responded that they could only recommend stock settings and would have to experiment from there, I was hoping to keep from going back on the rack a half dozen times or more, alignment guy is good but with the rack and pinion he is experimenting
when I went to the shop I told the guy what specs I wanted (brought the specs with me), he set it to that then I drove out. I keep a copy in my wallet in case something get out when traveling.
I see your point Frank, but dealing w/ power steering presents a different set of issues. I have been dealing w/ the Borg conversion for 3 years -- I know R&P is a different format. But, after finally getting the alignment right -- there is other issues that make PS setup a different animal. Before, installing a Borg pressure reducing kit, car was sensitive over 55 mph. After the kit, can drive 70+ as long as, crosswinds relatively calm. I added 3 shims to the pressure side of the pump, made night/day difference. There are other issues w/ PS, flow rate, fluid temp and a few others I found by stumbling onto this site: https://www.turnone-steering.com/blogs/tech-101 I am considering installing a flow rate reducer in the pump -- to see how that effects the operation. Point being: I have learned a lot of things in the realm of PS that I never would have imagined w/o getting involved w/ this project.
I have the Unisteer system as well, but have not driven the car since I installed it. Nick has had it longer than anyone. He should be a good source of info. Whatever the case, let us know where the sweet spot is after you are done experimenting.
What's 30 toe in??? Never heard of such... AFAIK a 1/16" to 1/8" is all any RWD vehicle should have... Adding positive caster and some negative camber increases stability... I'd try something like +3 caster and -1 camber...
Those settings will destroy tires in a short while... Ridin' down the road with tires pointing at each other...