I'm sure this has been covered somewhere but I can't find it..........seeing as our car needs disc brakes added, a locker (was going to run mini spool but that's dangerouse ...and weak) there is surely an 8.8 already with disc brakes and a limited slip rear end in something that will fit in the Mav. Then all thats need is a gear ratio change, I have seen full rears for as little as $250 complete in salvage yards....what Ford has one that will fit the Mav? Gotta be one...surely
Dave is saying that an 8.8 differential is not a direct fit, regardless of what it comes from. Do a search for 8.8 swap. It has been done, but it requires modification.
Explorers are the best choice, but they require some work to make them fit properly. http://www.hotrod.com/techarticles/drivetrain/1308_ford_rear_axle/
Oh OK I misunderstood, is there a rear end with disc and limited slip that is a direct fit or what rear is the easiest swap?:Handshake
??? and it's a limited slip that only requires a ring and pinion change to lower the gears? the 1/2 inch is not even an issue, wonder if these can even be found still?
Up until '67 Ford had the "Equa-lock" in its carriers. Later, the "Track-lock" came into the picture. The Track-lock is the better of the two, is easier to find parts for, and holds its capability better over time. So, if you find something pre-'67, just verify what's inside before you buy. Eric
Most 57-59 Ford rears I came across came with a 3.50:1 and were peg legged grey casting. How much lower do you want to go?
Look on ebay, There is a place that sells a 65/66 mustang complete after market rear with trac loc w/any gear you want, includes a disc brake kit too... $1869 if I remember right... The 65/66 rear is 3/4 inch wider and will bolt right in, no mods needed... This is what I'm going to use.... I think it's a good deal... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Complete-9-Rearend-1965-1966-Ford-Mustang-9-Inch-/221129750629
65-66 Mustang is a whole lot easier to find look around on them the prices vary a great deal I've seen them go for 250.00 to 300.00
Sams, contact Leadmine Products and speak with Jeff -- His phone number is #417-733-1012 Tell him Levi with the Maverick sent you -- He will take care of you. He can send you a 9" housing, axle tubes, and your choice of axle flanges along with T bolts for. He can even build it to your specs so everything you have is bolt on to the housing for around $400/or less. Also, his link to the website is blow in my signature.
Correct. Remember, if a Maverick came with a 9" rear disc brake option, you would not be hunting around for a non-Maverick rear end. Welcome to the world of modification.