Ok been working on the car for a couple of weeks now..... Mandged to get all the glass out in one piece. Now i need advice on removing roof dents..... Looks like some one used my car as a trampoline......
Ya the dents have light creasing and theres like 8 the diameter of base balls. Just dont know if filler would hold with the flexing of the roof
Bondo is great as long as it's used right. not over rust and not to thick and minimal sand scratches before you primer
this is not a...flat panel...it has a crown. I saw a guy doing a repair on the roof of one of my cars. he hammered and dollied everywhere except...in the dent. all of a sudden...the crown in the roof just popped back up... "body work" is an art...ones that don't have it...have bondo...
Thanks for tje advice..... Im going to start by calling a friend at the local hot rod shop..... He owes me one i had the only maverick rear end in the area so i gave it to him for one of his costomers cars...... Should get me some help
I had same issue with mine and almost same location, what I did was put slight upward pressure from bottom by using a 2x4 with a piece of plywood a bit larger than the dent then lightly working around the perimeter of the dent until it popped, needed minimal filler
I was taught that you work dents in the reverse order that they happened. These might be tougher than some others to figure that out, but outside the dent first, and reverse the crease early in the process. You want to ease the stress out of the metal working toward the point of initial contact being last. If you just shove up on the center of the dent from underneath, that crease will never come out. Might make it worse or create more of them.
That jives with an article I read in Hot Rod many years ago, they used a spoon (body tool not utensil) and a body hammer around the crown of the crease. The spoon was to spread the force of the hammer to avoid dimples, lightly tapping around and carefully massaging the crease towards the depression. Have never tried it but it makes sense.
Ok every ones giving great options probably start with the heat and spray then worl to the more abusive optionsi dont mind filler but i want thin layers.... Might go wit a vinyl top but want to be protected from rust too