Rat rod I did sometimg similar with my C4 before I changed over to the Toploader. I used a B&M truck shifter that was a little shorter than that one you linked. I fab'd a cover for it using a stainless steel mud pan. :Handshake
I got a shift link to work for my column shifter with hooker headers, but it's not that fun. Keep in mind, this is an experimental project. I like to push things to see what can 'actually be done'. I had to bypass the mechanism that connects the two, what I'll call the 'link-rods' between the column itself and the transmission. It's the pivot point that's mounted to the frame by the engine. I created one long rod that bends around the header and directly connects the two points, transmission and column. I had a 1/4" rod from my exhaust fab pile that I used to extend the transmission rod to the column. There was a lot of test fitting to get this to work. The shift points are out of whack on the column now so the Drive is actually the Neutral position. However, I may have an idea now about the pivot point to get around the headers and restore the original link connection and get it back to normal. That'll start this weekend probably when I remove the power brake system to get more room. So basically, it's possible if you can fab a direct connection between the two points and you're ok with the column shift not registering correctly behind the wheel.
you can still use column shift, i used a lokar setup and bent it to work, works great. i have headers and an automatic trans.
I would add that its dependent on type of headers as well. Hedmans worked fine with my column shift automatic, only one pipe had to be modified to clear some steering componets. Noting I have manual steering.