1. Is the steering wheel an easy thing to remove and replace on these cars? 2. I want to replace mines. Can I go with any other steering wheel or will I encounter any problems with certain brand ones?
The one I am looking to get installed looks like this one ---> http://grantproducts.com/products/view/47/ The guy at the auto store is it at offered it to me for $90 because it has been in his store for a long ass time now.
Cheaper at Summit http://www.summitracing.com/parts/grt-701/overview/ 13" wheel...are you sure you want smoothing this small?
I don't think it's actually that small. At least from what I saw, it should be in comparison the the current steering wheel I have on my 2003 Accord. If not, any suggestions on something that looks similar?
I ran a Grant GT (13.5 inch) many years with manual stg on a 6 cylinder car. It did great but those horn buttons suck. At least that one has the better style horn switch.
You'll just need the adapter, which should be available at the parts store. And yes those horn buttons suck, mine short circuited on me.
You also need to see how deep the dish is. I had a grant wheel once that was so shallow my hand couldn't fit between the turn signal switch and wheel.
that wheel is even cheaper at autozone theyre like $35 if I remember right. I was there the other day looking at that same wheel but with a mohogony color to it
yup, you will hit the turn signal switch when you spin the wheel. I got rid of my Grant and put a sport wheel on. much better