we did some custom subframe connectors on a board members car today. they came out really nice. heres some pics.
They look real good. 'Not too keen on how the parking brake cable runs over the passenger side though.
we did not do the exhaust. the plans for this car is to be street strip car. the entire drive train will be replaced.
Cool deal exactly what I had planned up. Just got to figure a way of rerouting all the e-brake cables
now that im looking and thinking about it, the tabs where the e brake cables go through near the end of the leaf spring could have some sort of extension made to drop the cables down. maybe the front mounts could be dropped down also.
Hey Bryant, thanks for posting. I swear I am going to get around to adding this stuff to my build thread.
my plan is to drill a hole through the frame connector tube,install a bushing, run the cable through the bushing...then there will be pics...
I think im going to move them to inside of the rear torque boxes. Then convert to the floor mounted e-brake handle
I recently finished my sub-frame connector install. I had to convert my e-brake system from the foot/pedal type (77') to a floor mounted system to re-run the e-brake cables to get them out of the way. I ran my new cables down the drive-shaft, over the exhaust, and then over the leaf springs.