The car I am working on has an extreme knocking on bumps. The Front End has been checked out by multiple shops, the only thing we can find wrong is the bushing in what I will call the Coil Spring Saddle. The only picture I have found of this item is on a 64-73 Mustang ->> The item is listed as "I" on this diagram. Now, nowhere can I find a part listing for this in regards to a Maverick, and the question is.... 1.) Can I use the one from a 64-73 Mustang? 2.) Has anyone ever experienced replacing this part?
CyberCoder; I think we all are familiar with these things. Get coil spring perches and insulators (for the top of the spring) for a '70-72 Mustang, and they will work. Good luck,
What does that mean "we all are familiar", I meant no disrespect, I certainly can't find any reference to these things? And why "(for the top of the spring)", this part is on the bottom of the spring? Or do you mean the Insulator goes on top?
Ok, just went shopping, several calls, several websites. No one seems to know what anything is? I asked for. Coil Spring Perches Coil Spring Saddles Saddle Perches Coil Perches Thingamabob Whatchacallit Nothing listed anywhere for 72 Mustang or 76 Maverick, so where do you go then?
Check out CJ Pony Parts. That's where I got my coil spring perches (the guys here reccomended them). They were half the price of what everyone else wanted...
Go to CJ's websight at: spring saddle is part # CSS (lower part, $15.95ea ) and coil spring insulator is part # CSI 1 (upper part, $2.95ea)
I would think extreme knocking would be ball joints ... Those perches are under so much pressure from the coil spring I don't think they would be thumping up and down ...
So far we have New Ball Joints New Suspension Bushings New Suspension Linkage Took it to 2 shops, both trustworthy and both said same thing. The Power Steering Control arm needs to be replaced and the only looseness is in the fact that the bushings are shot in the perches. You can not move the wheels up and down at all, nice and tight, the front to back motion is slack in the Power Steering control arm. Before we changed the ball joints, you could bang it up and down. It is impossible to make it rattle by hand, only on the road. I have to admit, the car has been a challenge so far. Good engine, its all the little stuff that is frustrating.
After thinkng about this, I wonder if the springs themselves are the problem? How do you check a spring?
I've got a set if you need them I just replaced mine while doing a front end rebuild and have a (new) extra pair. It's a long story about poor shipping from an Ebay supplier. Anyway if you want them, I paid $25 for a pair plus shipping. I can also outline what tools you need and what you need to do. RichK
But it also could be; left field idea My brake pads rattle (75, disks on front). Old ones rattled, new ones rattle. If you apply just just a little drag on the brakes; light pedal pressure does the noise go away? Just a left field guess RichK
Thanks, and I will take them. May be a few days. My email is in my profile, just send me what you need and your address info. I hope this is not a real hard process, the spring compression scares me a little.